Here's how it's going to work: first, to make it that much more attractive, from January 15 to April 30, every new distributor signup that chooses 2-case ADP will have their $35 sign-up fee waived. Sign them up while the deal is red hot and their fee is $0. Second, to more adequately prepare you to share your Juice, we're rolling out the most fantastic little recruiting tool you ever did see… The XanGo Single. If you haven't heard, it's a 1 oz. pouch of pure XanGo Juice, unbelievably portable, pocketable and presentable.
Sign up with 200 cases on are ADP system for 3months an don't have to pay the membership fee
I am interested in buying Xango, but I would like to know what makes Xango better than supplements like Vitabase VitaComplete?
Can anyone give me a good comparison?
Well I don't know to much about vitabase. Though I know xango is a very powerful health drink that contains xanthones which is very good for the body. You can check all the research at PUBMED thre are closed to 1500 studies on xanthones which comes from mangosteen and which is in xango juice.
just type in Xanthones.
If anything please visit my website you get a better understanding of the xango juice at:
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